Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today's Tarot: 3/4/12

The Empress, Ace of Rods, Ace of Swords. I would like to bottle these cards and sell them on the open market. I'd be rich. Rich, I tell you. The Empress: Fertile ground. Ace of Swords: a grand idea. Ace of Rods: The energy and passion to start it (and starting it). Wow! So, what are we waiting for? Do we want to change the world with our brilliant, ideas? Do we want to bring food to the world's destitute? Do we want to cultivate that so elusive of all states, a sense of abundance? You bet your bippie, we do. So, here it is. If you don't have a great/grand/brilliant idea that you can put into motion today to change the world, then do the next best thing. Be kind, especially to yourself. Forgive yourself your own trespasses. Cultivate that sense that wherever you go, there you are, and that it really is all good. In fact, it feels full, round, bountiful and beautiful. Sure, there are bad things happening everywhere. But remember, there is still time, today, every day, to extend ourselves to others and to change something, anything, for the better. We can help in small ways and large and giving to others even when we ourselves feel not quite full of luscious bounty will definitely generate more of that feeling of blissful state. If you don't believe me, listen to the HH the Dalai Lama. He says, "The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being." 'Nuff said.

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